Thursday, September 23, 2010

electric cigarette types

E-Cigarette gets people attention rapidly.It is alternative of tobacco cigratte and comes in modern style   
Here are the main types:
Super Mini Cigarette (RN4088)

Mini Cigarette (DSE901, RN4075)

Super Cigarette (DSE101, DSE103, RN4081)

Penstyle (DSE801, RN4072)

Disposable electronic cigarettes

Now it’s up to Public which brand they choose according to their neeeds


Sam Smith said...

I have the Mini Electric Cigarette and i love it! It fits right into my purse and I always know where to find it.

Anonymous said...

Electronic is now the future of smoking. And I must say that Smokebot Electronic Cigarette is the best among all these products.Experience the realistic smoking with Smokebot's secret flavor recipe. I have been using this for months and I was able to experience the realistic smoking with Smokebot's secret flavor recipe. Try it for yourself. You are free to visit the site about electronic cigarettes.

electronic cigarettes

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